RONENSBOURGH - Multimedia Theater Play, IATI Theater, New York, 2015

Ronensbourgh | May 21 to June 7, 2015 | IATI Theater
Written by Beatriz Cabur - Directed by Ignacio García-Bustelo
A place—a proposed utopian solution to all society’s problems.
The Heiber family lives in a world that’s rapidly crumbling, plagued by flawed and outdated social and political models. Meanwhile a group of aristocrats, led by Helmut Ronen, is creating the perfect city as the answer to all society’s problems: RONENSBOURGH.
Ronensbourgh is a very contemporary and highly experimental piece, written in a Heiner Müller’s style (no stage directions. No formatting. SOME CAPITAL LETTERS THAT SEEM RANDOM BUT THEY’RE NOT). The play possesses relevant questions about identity, society and home; about the conception of those ideas, and the dislodging of the very things our society holds as important.
Cast: Claudio Bandini - Mateo Franco - Sara Gozalo - Begonya Plaza - Francisco Reyes
Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger: Video and Projection Designers
Jennifer Sipila: Set Designer | Porsche McGovern | Lighting Designer
Alfredo Tauste: Sound Designer | Yuko Nakao: Custome Designer
Soraya Padrao: Line Producer | Cristina Ayon-Viesca: Assistant Director/Stage Manager
Cristina Perez Ballesteros: Production Manager | Sandra Gumuzzio & Maria Gonzalez: Production Assistant
Pope Jackson: Technical Director | Allison Kadin & WowMom: Marketing
In Co-Production with AENY | Spanish Artists in New York