An Immersive Interactive Cinematic Art Installation
by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Conceived and Directed by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Interactive Design by Aniol Saurina Masó
Original music composition and Sound design by Nana Simopoulos with Mary Ann McSweeney
Cinematography and Editing by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Flutter Experience Art Gallery, 217 S La Brea, Los Angeles, CA - June 1 2019 to December 1, 2021

What is real? What is imaginary? Is the distinction just in our mind?
“Illusion” is an immersive interactive installation about the art of seeing and experiencing, created by awarded filmmakers and visual artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger in collaboration with interactivity designer Aniol Saurina Masó, that offers the chance to step into an illusion of infinite space.
The piece departs from the notion of “visual illusions”, a powerful means by which to challenge our mind and the inner and subjective approach to time and space. Through projection mapping, mirrors, augmented reality, interactivity, video art, music and animation, we invite our audience to experience a sensorial journey onto magical realms and thought-provoking realities. “Illusion” is a mirage, a playful art installation that blurs the line between true and false, merging the physical and digital worlds.
In “Illusion”, we are creating a sense of proximity with elements we are used to be surrounded by, contrasting with how differently we relate to them. We are awakening the senses as the audience plays with fire, water, energy, switching viewpoint from being inside to being above, transitioning to breaking walls (symbolically and literally), opening doors to unexpected landscapes, from the universe to the infinitesimal and interacting at all time with them. "Illusion" is an experiential art installation where mirrors also play the role of breaking the rules of gravity.
In this infinity mirrored room, one can travel from an animated urban landscape, breaking walls to unleash the beauty and power of nature, sea waves, forest and fireflies, a peaceful escape room to aerial views of the Mediterranean coast, paint and ink creating abstract forms that evoke the connection between micro and macro, neons that react to your movements creating shapes, and words that remind us about the meaning of illusion, a mirage but also a thrill and hope.
“Illusion” premiered in Los Angeles at Flutter Exhibition Gallery June 1st. 2019 until December 1st, 2021.
"Illusion" is a Motion Award 2021 nominee in the category "Interactive/Experiential - Installation"

Opening June 1st on South La Brea, Los Angeles, FLUTTER is an innovative, immersive art experience, designed for anyone in search of being in an environment that evokes pure happiness and joy. FLUTTER is the first of its kind; a sensory journey spanning multiple mediums, where visitors are able to touch and experience the art which includes Virtual Reality, projection mapping, climbable furniture as well as a giant sphinx, day-glow lighting and architectural structures.
"Outer and Inner space in Illusion. Don't miss such amazing artists as Laia Cabrera, Isabelle Duverger & Aniol Saurina Maso in Illusion..."
- Ivan Mena Tinoco, film director and producer
"I loved your installation! We spent half our time there! Kesha didn't wanted to leave! Thank you sso much for your amazing art and allowing us the opportunity to shoot there."
- Jessica Lehrman, Photographer for The New York Times, talking about her photoshoot with Kesha for NYT
"Digital media duo Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger offer Illusion, a space flooded with projections and mapping systems, carving shadows in bubbly or fire patterns that move in sync with the viewer. “We think it’s important to bring storytelling to the art world and make it more attractive and try to have a journey,” says Cabrera who, with Duverger, was behind similar interactive projections at New York’s Armory Week as well as a 72 foot long installation on the windows of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Times Square last fall."
- Jordan Riefe, Art & Object, June 10, 2019
"Completely in awe by the smart and sensitive interactive piece that they have created, where beauty and high end technology meet to offer a live interactive inspiring joyful experience. If you are in LA, you really have to come and experience this piece along with the other art installations at the impressive Flutter Experience Space meticulously curated by Christopher Dowson and Karen Robinovitz."
- Nacho Arimany, musician and performer
"L’interaction et l’immersivité au service de l’illusion d’optique. On pourrait résumer ainsi Illusion, l’installation conçue par Laia Cabrera et Isabelle Duverger, cinéastes et artistes plasticiennes. Combinant différentes techniques (mapping, miroir, réalité augmentée, vidéo, musique, animation), leur dispositif est une expérience limite, entre voyage sensoriel et labyrinthe numérique, où le public est invité à se perdre et à jouer « activement » dans un maelstrom de formes, de couleurs et de sons."
- Laurent Diouf, MCD Magazine des Cultures Digitales, June 5, 2019
Translation: "The Interactivity and immersiveness serving the optical illusion. We could summarize Illusion that way, the installation conceived by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger, fillmmakers and visual artists. Combining different technics (projection mapping, mirrors, augmented reality, video, music and animation), their installation is a experience at the edge, between sensorial journey and diginal labyrinth, where the audience is invited to loose themself and actively play in a maelstrom of forms, colors and sounds"
"Dear LA friends, if you wanna check out something really cool that will be there for the next 6 months, I highly suggest checking out "Illusion" an immersive cinematic art installation by award winning filmmakers and visual artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger"
- Cheryl Guerriero, screenwriter of "Palmer"
"Me encanto! Felicitaciones!!! Thanks for the Arts!" - Estela Mora, actress
"Such incredible work!" Nev Todorovic, filmmaker (The Young Astronauts)
"It was the most beautiful experience I've had in a long time so thank you!" - Vivian Naomi Devai
"It was amazing, such a wonderful experience, thank you" - Harmonie Krieger
"Stepping in and out of worlds... We had a blast" - Evit Bolt
"Illusion was one of my favorites, I could've stayed much longer in your room! Thank you for the lovely experience!"
- R.A. Fedde, filmmaker
"Thank you for creating shuch gorgeous immersive art! I loved spending time in the space." - Risa Voss
"Wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!" - @lenazilla, event blogger
"Beautiful work. It was playful, inspiring, magical. Thank you!" - Trish Markey, writer
"This piece was amazing! Wonderful concept, we really enjoyed it!! Thank you" - Mélodie Benoît
The Rentals - 9th Configuration {Official Lyric Video}
By Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger

FLUTTER is a ticketed exhibition suitable for visitors of all ages, FLUTTER’s mission is to bring contemporary fine art into everyday life in a way that is interactive, encouraging community and creativity. The inaugural installation includes artists: digital media duo Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger (in collaboration with Aniol Saurina Masó), Katie Stout, Jacolby Satterwhite, Jillian Mayer, Saya Woolfalk, Leah Guadagnoli, Cyril Lancelin of Town & Concrete, Liz Collins, Elise Peterson, Candy Chang, Guillermo Santoma as well as Job Piston in collaboration with the award-winning architecture studio, Charlap Hyman and Herrero along with NAR.
Billed as a “sensory journey” open to visitors of all ages, the inaugural edition is themed “the play-date.” Karen Robinovitz, the chief curator of “Flutter,” who’s a board member of the Bronx Museum of the Arts and the Brooklyn Museum in New York, said in a statement, “Everything in the world can be so heavy and serious that our focus was reprieve, fun, and playfulness.” Chris Dowson, the founder of the exhibition, added, “Flutter’s purpose is to bring fine art to everyone. We invite you to participate, experience, interact, and share, in a fun, welcoming environment. We want to promote and encourage enjoyment and connection to others through community and will be announcing several education programs throughout the year.”
A portion of the proceeds support mental health programs, in partnership with
Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation

Illusion, 2019 - Teaser
Teaser of Illusion by Curator Karen Robinovitz

The Rentals - 9th Configuration {Official Lyric Video} By Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Gui In Hollywood - Interview of Laia Cabrera, Isabelle Duverger & Aniol Saurina Maso for Movistar
ScreenSlam: Laia Cabrera talks Interactive Art Installation "Illusion at Flutter

Flaunt Film | Tyga
![CHASE THE GHOST w/ Omarion and King Charles [VR 180]]( 1x, 3x)