DREAM-E-SCAPE Immersive Interactive Art Installation
Los Angeles - Hong Kong - Riyadh - 2022-2023
An Immersive Interactive Cinematic Art Installation by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Interactivity by Aniol Saurina Masó and Jianhao Ma | Music by Nana Simopoulos
"Dream-e-scape" is an interactive projection art installation about lucid dreams, created by filmmaker Laia Cabrera and multimedia artist Isabelle Duverger. It is a motion tracking 360º responsive installation, the audience arrives into a room with seven doors which represent the deep sleep state, they are allowed to peak in for a short while until they are sent to a dream sequence, from micro to macro landscapes, a strange waterfall in which sound and tunnels are being revealed by your presence, a Daliesque surreal world in which you are bending time and space, the sudden realization you might still be dreaming through more experiences.
Flutter Experience Art Gallery - 217 S La Brea, Los Angeles, CA - 2022-2023
Microwave Media Arts Festival - Hong Kong City Hall - October 28 to November 6, 2022
Film Criticism Forum, Riyadh, KSA - November 8-14, 2023
AWARDS: #Hybrid Vision - Panasonic Digital Art Competition 2022 - Interactive Digital Art Nominee
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PERENNIAL LAND - THE DATA FOREST Immersive Art Installation
BCC The Hall of Fame Art Gallery, 2024
Conceived and created by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Original music by Nana Simopoulos
Perennial Land - The Data Forest is an experiential installation that combines the beauty of various forest environments with the importance of data-driven insights into a human's impact on nature.
United Nations COP16 Colombia, Cali - Nature Positive Pavilion, Blue Zone, October 25, 2024
Hall of Fame Art Gallery at Bronx Community College, Bronx, New York - March 21 - May 16, 2024
Treehouse NDSM - North Amsterdam, the Nederlands - September 12 - October 6th, 2024
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QUALIA - YOU MATTER TO ME Immersive Art Installation
Jersey City Theater Center, 2023
Conceived and created by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Original music by Nana Simopoulos and Erica Glyn
Performing artist: Catherine Correa
“Qualia” is a sensory voyage where the line is blurred between the physical and the digital world, between the real and the imaginary. The gaze is a visual poem, gravitational Qualia: anxiety shaped into Surrealism, a nightmare turned fantasy, spontaneous solidarity, feelings of solitude, suspension, an embrace, the beginning of a smile, a hand holding sand, falling and rising again.
Jersey City Theater Center - October 13-15, 2023
Part of JCAST 2023 and Prelude Festival 2023 - Segal Center CUNY
Women Heavy Group Exhibition, Gardenship Gallery, Kearny, NJ - May 18-July 13, 2024
Newark Arts Festival 2024 - Newark Arts Gallery, 355 Broad Street, Newark, NJ - October 9 - December 1, 2024
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CLOSE UP - PRIMER PLA Immersive Art Installation
New York, DC, Miami, Jersey City, 2021 - 2022
Conceived and created by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Original music by Nana Simopoulos and Enrique Granados
Cinematography and Editing by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Close-Up/Primer Pla: An Immersive Cinematic Art Installation is a poem to Catalan landscape and architecture, a visual tone poem that uncovers new parallels between identifiable motifs of the land and the built environment, between nature and art. The tale it weaves navigates between gentle familiar territory and sudden, revelatory estrangement, spanning both distant memory and nostalgia for what is yet to come.
Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the United States, Washington DC, September 14, 2021
White Space Gallery Chelsea - New York, NY - November 15-16, 2021
Coral Gables Museum, Miamia, FL - November 17, 2021
Sant Jordi USA festival - Jersey City Theater Center, NJ - April 21-24, 2022
The Dumbo Loft, Brooklyn, NY - September 20, 2022
The 6th Floor Loft, New York - September 12, 2024
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INTO THE DEEP Immersive Art Installation
Mana Contemporary - Snow Ball Gala, Jersey City, April 30, 2022
An Immersive Interactive Cinematic Art Installation by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Event organized by Art House Productions
An installation portraying the largest of our two worlds, exploring the depth of the ocean with its creatures and flora.
Mana Contemporary - Glass House - Jersey City - April 30, 2022
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ECOSS Festival - Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain, Nov 2020
An Online Cinematic Art Installation followed by artist talk with Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
"ECOSS Festival - live arts, debates and exhibitions. A space of art and thought that emphasizes the mutual transformation that operates between the technological and the biological. This year 2020 ECOSS proposes a program of art, nature, science, technology and society from a feminist perspective. A window of visibility for women working in these professional fields." ECOSS
ECOSS Festival - Fabra i Coats: Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona i Fàbrica de Creació, Nov 11-12, 2020
SELF ON THE SHELF - Immersive Interactive Video & Sound Installation, Spring/Break Art Show 2018
An Immersive Art Installation by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Interaction by Nicola Carpeggiani / Christine Miele, Curator
Through immersive interactive projection mapping, video art, illustration and animation, Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger, in collaboration with interaction designer Nicola Carpeggiani, created a child's bedroom and bring it to life as it responds to a series of clues or hints, which were given to visitors as they enter the room.
Extracted from a 2012 journal entry about Chris' son and his relationship with James, his first Elf on the Shelf, the concept of this stranger from the North Pole was born.The dramatic visual effects transformed the room as the viewer explores feelings, emotions and limits between reality and fantasy.
Spring Break Art Show, as part of Armory Arts Weeks - 4 Times Square, New York, NY - March 6-12, 2018
WITHIN REACH Immersive Interactive Art Installation
Art Wall Coolvines Powerhouse, Jersey City, NJ - Aug - Oct 2020
An Immersive Interactive Cinematic Art Installation conceived and directed by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Interactive Design by Aniol Saurina Masó | Music and Sound design by Nana Simopoulos
"Within Reach" is an interactive art installation about transformation, reconnecting with the origin, nature and our relationship to it.
Conceived as a seamless projection mapping design with full gesture responsive interactivity, “Within Reach” invites the audience to actively enter the heart of the piece creating a story that unfolds across a series of immersive interactive scenarios. The installation is a sensory experience thought the elements, from the earth to the skies, from liquid shapes to seeds and visual metaphors, and the principle of change and transformation, where the line is blurred between the physical and the digital world, between the real and the imaginary.
The audience can affect change, create an avatar of themselves and discover ways to interact with the installation, embody the different storylines and share the experience with each other.
Art Wall Coolvines Powerhouse, 350 Warren St Jersey City, NJ 07302 - August 11 to October 14, 2020
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ILLUSION - Immersive Interactive Art Installation, Flutter Experience, Los Angeles, Jun 2019 - Dec 2021
An Immersive Interactive Cinematic Art Installation by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Interactivity by Aniol Saurina Masó - Music and Sound design by Nana Simopoulos with Mary Ann McSweeney
“Illusion” is an immersive interactive experience about the art of seeing and experiencing, created by awarded filmmakers and visual artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger in collaboration with interactivity designer Aniol Saurina Masó, that offers the chance to step into an illusion of infinite space. The piece departs from the notion of “visual illusions”, a powerful means by which to challenge our mind and the inner and subjective approach to time and space. Through projection mapping, mirrors, augmented reality, interactivity, video art, music and animation, we invite our audience to experience a sensorial journey onto magical realms and thought-provoking realities. “Illusion” is a mirage, a playful art installation that blurs the line between true and false, merging the physical and digital worlds.
"Illusion" is a Motion Award 2021 nominee in the category "Interactive/Experiential - Installation"
Flutter Experience Art Gallery - 217 S La Brea, Los Angeles, CA - June 1, 2019 to December 1, 2021
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THE NOW - Video Interactive Public Art Installation
Coolture Impact at PABT, NYC - Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 and Sep 2020
A piece by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger
Interactivity by Noirflux and Karan Parikh
Curated and Produced by Ana Calvo De Luis - Coolture Impact
The Now, created by video artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger is the largest interactive public art installation on the windows of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Times Square. The now offers a journey into magical worlds, intertwining reality and fantasy, opening doors to hidden places and participatory environments. The Now explores transitory spaces and unseen parallel realities, in a cinematic voyage to visually striking realms, live painting, and animated characters with evolving narratives. Visitors are invited to walk, move and unravel the different storylines. More infos: https://www.laiacabreraco.com/thenow
The Now at Port Authority Bus Terminal - Outdoor on the South West Corner of 42nd Street with 8th Avenue, New York, NY October 25, 2018 to February 7, 2019 and September 1-30, 2020 (Running 24/7)
SLIMEY MIRROR Immersive Interactive Installation
Sloomoo Institute - New York, Chicago - Atlanta - Houston, 2022-Present
Conceived and created by Laia Cabrera & Isabelle Duverger
Interactive Design by Aniol Saurina Masó and Jianhoa Ma
Slimey Mirror is an immersive interactive installation which reflect on the self, our identity, and how do we relate to our inner child, when exposed to a different environment where one can see an image of themselves but not quite themselves.
When entering, the interactivity allows for people to see their self as an avatar of slime, responding to one's movement in a mirrored manner, and at the same time responding to the laws of motion of slime. The environment is a cave also made of slime, and it can interact with people by spilling slime of different textures. When prompted by a ball of slime, people can also throw slime at the mirror and at one another.
The experience of reflecting oneself onto a mirror is always a learning experience, here we want people to free themselves from their self-reflection and discover the possibilities of being in a slime body.
The installation works with a full body tracking sensor, and therefor allows to move freely in the space without having to wear any technology. We are looking to create an experience in which people can instinctively interact, with technology invisible.